Let's get behind Tradies National Health Month! #tradieshealth
While we’ve seen improvements, Australia’s trade industry continues to have among the highest health and safety issues of any sector. Time off work due to poor health and injury has a significant impact on families, businesses, communities, the health system and the economy. This impact will grow if we don’t take steps to change behaviour.
Each August Tradies National Health Month aims to raise awareness of the risks posed to those who work in trade occupations—among individuals, their families, employers and the wider community.
Anyone can get behind Tradies National Health Month. The APA is urging employers and unions of trade occupations to prioritise their employees’ health now and into the future. Everyone can spread the message—whether it’s your dad or mum, your partner, your employee, your patient or your mate, we all know a tradie and want them to place importance on their wellbeing.
Find out how you can get involved at www.tradieshealth.com.au
Tradies’ health must be everyone’s priority. Let's get behind the safety of our tradies!
#tradieshealth #choosephysio #stoptoolingaround
SWF Group | "Safety at Work First!"