National Safe Work Month
Know safety, work safely.
The message for this years National Safe Work Month sums it up in four short words. The more we educate ourselves on hazards and risks in the workplace the more equipped we become to prevent them from causing harm.
Safety is not just something you put on, it is a way of thinking. The more engrained safety is in our thinking the more we can reduce workplace harm.
A safe and healthy workplace is one that is free from physical and psychological harm. That is, all hazards have been identified and measures have been put in place to protect workers. That means you have the relevant safety equipment in place and the right PPE on hand. It means all workers are educated on why using said equipment and PPE is important. It also means an open and inclusive culture where workers feel free to discuss both physical safety and mental wellbeing.
The beauty about safety at work is that absolutely everyone can make a difference.
The boss should call more meetings. The foreman should do more safety checks. The safety inspectors should visit more often. Yes – but what about you? You can wear all the right PPE for your job. You can remove the tripping hazards you see. You can advise your colleague of a safer way to handle that tool. You can check in with your fellow workers and see how they’re feeling. You can be safe and help others to be too.
Just remember that no matter what it will always be Safety at Work First!
SWF Group | 'Safety at Work First!'