Sun Protection
Slip, slop, slap! You’ve heard it before but we’ll say it again.
If you’re planning to spend time in the sun the first thing you need to do is apply sunscreen. Choose a sunscreen that is SPF 50+ for best protection and make sure you apply it liberally and reapply throughout the day.
Why wear sunscreen?
Sunscreen effectively provides a barrier between your skin and the sun, reducing the risk of sunburn. Sun exposure can lead to a variety of issues such as, sunburn, skin cancer and aging. These are all things we would prefer avoid and sunscreen can help us do just that.
How do I apply sunscreen?
You should apply sunscreen at least 20 minutes prior to going in the sun to ensure you get proper protection. This is because our skin is a series of ‘peaks and troughs’ and the sunscreen needs time to flow into the troughs and bind to the skin properly. You should reapply it regularly throughout the day to top up your protection. This also means you will cover any bits you may have missed or done too thinly on the first application. As far as how much to apply, according to the Cancer Council, ‘A teaspoon per limb is a good rule of thumb’. You should add another teaspoon for face, back and front.
Did you know that 2 in 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by age 70? That’s a big number, and to make a real difference to that we have to start taking sun protection measures now. Every time you get sunburnt you increase your risk of developing skin cancer later in life.
Sun protection is not limited to simply wearing sunscreen. You should also wear a hat, wear long sleeve clothing to cover your skin, seek shade and wear sunnies. We can’t apply sunscreen to our eyes – anyone that has experienced getting it in their eyes will know how painful it is! – so it’s important that we wear sunglasses when in the sun as these are the only sun protection our eyes get.
That’s it. Stay sun safe on the work site!
SWF Group | 'Safety at Work First!'