Snake Safety
Have you seen a snake yet this season?
With the weather warming up there is an increase in active snakes as they all come out of hibernation. If you have an outdoors job (or even if you’re spending weekends in the bush and long grass), it’s important that you know the basics of snake safety.
If you spy a snake near you stay calm & back away slowly. Snakes will generally only bite if they are aggravated and feel threatened. If there is a snake in your backyard or in a building it’s best to call a snake catcher to remove it, like we did when we had a rather large visitor to our sign shop last year. You can read more about it here.
If you are bitten by a snake, don’t panic & don’t move, as this will help prevent the venom from spreading further around your body. Call an ambulance immediately. You should also apply a pressure immobilisation bandage over the bite.
To reduce your risk of being bitten or suffering badly from a bite you should ensure you are properly equipped when working in the outdoors. It’s a very good idea to invest in a pair of snake gaiters for protection of your lower legs and to always have a first aid kit on hand, or at least a snake bandage so you’re prepared for an emergency.
SWF Group | 'Safety at Work First!'